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How to stop addiction before it stops you

Feel like you're on a slippery slope, but not ready for formal treatment?

Maybe you're drinking or using more than you should. Or perhaps you're trapped by an obsessive relationship with food. Or maybe you're trying to cut back on marijuana use, or to stop smoking, or to break the stranglehold that gambling has on you. 


Whatever it is...


If you're struggling with self-control around any substance or behavior, and you're worried you might be sliding toward addiction, we'd like to help—before it's too late.


BrightLife is a privacy-protected, home-based program specifically designed to help you break free from unwanted behaviors before they turn into full-blown addiction.


Our proven process will lead you step-by-step to reduce your urges, soothe your emotions, calm your mind, and feel relaxed, renewed, and in-control so you can get back to the happy, healthy you.


All in just minutes a day.

It's like the urges to drink and use just dropped away on their own!
Image by Irene Strong

Before BrightLife my entire life felt like a battle. This program has helped me learn how to be comfortable being uncomfortable. Sounds weird, but it changed everything for me.

- Joey Q.

Control urges, cravings, and addiction before they control you...

Here's what nobody's talking about...


Addiction has an Achilles heel.

It's a little-known weak point where you can attack addiction where it lives and break free from its control before it takes over your life. 


So what is this Achilles Heel? It's this: uncomfortable feelings.


Here's what's important to realize: Addiction controls us through uncomfortable feelings like urges, cravings, impulses, and even disturbing emotions like anger, anxiety, and overwhelm.


And the problem is that the addiction-compromised brain has learned it can get instant relief from these feelings by drinking, using, or doing whatever it has become addicted to. So, that's exactly what it does—automatically on autopilot, sometimes before you even realize it's happening.


Once you understand that addiction is being driven by uncomfortable feelings, it opens the door to a simple solution.

Just imagine dialing back the intensity of these uncomfortable feelings so they were no longer triggering your behavior.

And, what if you could armor yourself against these feelings, so even when they did arise, you would remain effortlessly calm, relaxed, and undisturbed?


Of course, the answer is: you'd be free and in-control.


And this is precisely how BrightLife has changed thousands of lives over the last 20 years. So, if you're ready to put your struggle behind you for good, we should talk.

I was getting to the place where my day seemed to revolve around the meds...

As a physician, I know full well the dangers of overusing opioids, but after my surgery, I found myself losing control anyway. BrightLife gave me the tools I needed to overcome the urges and cravings. 

- Name and image withheld by request

How it Works

You can expect to invest 45-60 minutes a day for the duration of the program.



Will help you soothe your body and calm your mind giving you near-instant relief from cravings and urges of all kinds.

Using the natural process of brain change, BrightLife empowers you to alter the mental patterns that are driving your unwanted behaviors.


It's a four-week program of learning, coaching, and practice designed to fit easily into your busy life. 



Each week, you'll get a new module of video lessons with the secrets to reducing triggers and boosting self-control—without stress or struggle.



Once a week,  you'll meet with us live, online for a group coaching session where you'll get powerful tips, inspiration from our community, and answers to all your questions.

See what our graduates are saying...
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This program has changed my life more than I can express in words!

- Tripti C.

How fast will I see results?

It's a common question—and an important one. While your results will depend on how invested you are in the process, most of our clients report significant improvements in feeling more calm, confident, and in-control in less than a week. Things like...

Reduced intensity of urges & cravings

More control over moods and emotions

Relaxed relationship to triggers & difficult situations

Feeling more joy, confidence, and control

Less stress & overwhelm

Improved concentration and clarity

More hope and optimism for the future

New appreciation for who you see in the mirror

For 40 years, I'd been compulsively stuffing down food to avoid feeling my emotions. BrightLife was the key to me getting my life back from my food obsession and being the Mom my kids need.

This was the secret sauce to me ending my battle with food—and losing 100 pounds.
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Christine R.

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Total Self-Mastery

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coaching program

Your complete six-week online program includes

Six Comprehensive Learning Modules

Each week, you'll get a new video learning module to lead you step-by-step to breaking free from urges, cravings, and addictions of every kind.


Custom Daily Brain-Training Drills

Custom exercises to empower you to break the back of the top five poisonous brain patterns that drive urges and cravings.


Weekly Live Online Coaching Sessions

Join Eric and your fellow students online each week to get inspiration and tips to make sure you get the very most from your BrightLife journey.




  • Special yoga-based mind-body relaxation exercises to calm cravings and urges.

  • Online video posture library to help you master your BrightLife exercises no matter you experience level or ability.

  • BrightLife Sleep System to soothe and restore the nervous system and get you the rejuvenating sleep you need to stay in control.

  • One year of unlimited access to the BrightLife membership site and online community with recorded replays of all sessions.

  • FREE BrightLife Companion Pass for a loved one to support your journey by doing the course with you!

Enrollment Closed
click above to be notified when we open our doors again

All BrightLife Courses are 100% Confidential

​​BrightLife is suitable for anyone independent of physical fitness level. 

No prior yoga experience is required.



If you are not totally satisfied with BrightLife, just let us know within 14 days of purchase and we'll cheerfully refund your money. No questions asked.

Eric Walrabenstein is a best-selling author and mind-body wellness expert, and for over 30 years, he's been helping people reclaim their lives from addictions, compulsions, and traumas of every kind.


Over three decades ago, Eric discovered the secrets to combining the ancient wisdom of yoga and Eastern mind-body wisdom with modern neuroscience to guide his own journey back to health and wholeness.

Since then, he's made it his life mission to help
 as many people as he can reclaim the lives of joy and meaning they were put here to live.


It's why he created BrightLife.

Your Guide


So far, Eric has helped thousands around the globe with his programsincluding over 6,000 of our troops and veterans he helped heal from the horrors of war using the BOOTSTRAP Stress Management System he built for the U.S. Military.

Eric's goal, and the goal of all of us here at BrightLife, is help so many more, and it would be our honor to help you too.

as seen on...
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​Even though my Mom doesn't have an addiction, she wanted to do this with me. Not only did it help her with her stress and anxiety, but I feel great and we're now closer than ever!

I did the program with my Mom and I can say it's totally tranformed our relationship
Image by Irene Strong

Bryce F.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Still Have Questions?

We're here to help!

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